St Bernadettes Comp

18 Aug

The last comp of the season this year except for ours! Congratulations to Lucy Wellington (Step 4) who placed 4th bar, 1st on Floor and 1st on Beam, 4th overall. Step 3 pictured (left to right ), Sami Reid; 5th Vault, 4th Beam, 2nd Bar, 2nd overall, Honor Jones; 2nd Beam, 4th Floor, 3rd overall, Mea Allison; 3rd Vault, 4th Floor 5th overall, Elsie Parsons; 5th Beam, 5th Bar and 6th overall. For Elsie and Sami it was their first Step 3 comp and with Mea and Honor, this team came 1st overall! Congratulations to you all and also a big thank you to Coach Jess Clydesdale.

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